Anses: Who Receives Payments This Thursday, February 20
ANSES confirmed the payment schedule for Thursday, February 20, 2025.
This Thursday, the National Social Security Administration (ANSES) continues with the payment of its benefits according to the termination of the DNI.
Below, the details of today's payments, Thursday, February 20.

Retirements and Pensions
This Thursday, those holding retirements and pensions that do not exceed $273,086.49 and have a DNI ending in 8 receive their payment.

Universal Child Allowance (AUH) and Food Card
The beneficiaries of the Universal Child Allowance (AUH) and the Food Card with a DNI ending in 8 receive their payment this Thursday.

Universal Pregnancy Allowance (AUE)
The holders of the Universal Pregnancy Allowance (AUE) with a DNI ending in 8 access their payment today.

Unemployment Benefit
This Thursday, the Unemployment Benefit is paid to those with a DNI ending in 0 and 1.

Family Allowances of Non-Contributory Pensions (PNC)
The Family Allowances of PNC are available for all DNI terminations until March 12.

Single Payment Allowances (Marriage, Birth, Adoption)
The beneficiaries of the Single Payment Allowances for marriage, birth, and adoption can collect until March 12.

How to check the ANSES payment schedule?
To know when you get paid, you can enter www.anses.gob.ar, go to the Payment Schedule section, and enter your DNI number.
You can also check through the official app Mi ANSES or by calling 130.
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