Two people looking at the camera with serious expressions.

The reaction of La China Suárez after the leak of Maxi López's chats

The actress categorically denied the rumors linking her to the former player and ex-husband of Wanda Nara

Eugenia "la China" Suárez was once again at the center of controversy after alleged chats were leaked in which Maxi López supposedly revealed an intimate connection with her. The information was disclosed by journalist Juan Etchegoyen on Desayuno Americano (América TV), where he presented a screenshot of a conversation from Wanda Nara's ex-husband as evidence.

According to Etchegoyen, Maxi López tried to get close to model Lúa Martínez while still married to Daniela Christiansson. In this context, the former player allegedly mentioned La China Suárez, claiming to have had an encounter with her.

The scandal behind the alleged leaked chats

The journalist detailed that the conversation between López and Martínez began virtually, first on Instagram and then on WhatsApp. In a chat dated January 12, Maxi allegedly expressed that "La China f***s... badly," which prompted Lúa to ask if he meant it positively or negatively. López, according to the screenshot, replied:  "Badly bad" and confirmed the supposed encounter with the actress.


La China Suárez's forceful response

After the news spread, América TV made a post on their Instagram account with the phrase: "Controversial chats revealing the relationship between Maxi López and La China Suárez."

Soon after, the actress herself decided to respond from her account @sangrejaponesa with a brief but direct comment:  "ajajajja A limit. ONE," joined by laughing emojis, completely denying the version that was spread.

This way, La China Suárez made her stance clear and put an end to the rumors involving her in this new media scandal.

Los polémicos chats de Maxi López sobre La China

➡️ Argentina

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