Milei's government detained 25 people with arrest warrants who were going to the march.
They were intercepted at train stations while attempting to reach the protest with criminal intent
Today, a demonstration took place, organized by sectors of Kirchnerism and the far left, in downtown Buenos Aires under the pretext of "defending retirees." However, it turned out to be an absolute failure and ended with the arrest of dangerous criminals.
This demonstration, like last week's, which was a clear attempt at destabilization against the government of Javier Milei, involved violent political, union, and left-wing picketing organizations, such as the Polo Obrero and the Frente de Organizaciones en Lucha (FOL).
In the last protest, which ended in enormous disturbances, the demonstrators attacked the security forces and caused damage to public property.

However, thanks to the successful security operation by Milei's Government to prevent riots and ensure social peace, the arrest of at least 25 demonstrators was achieved, who had serious criminal records and active arrest warrants.
According to sources from the Ministry of Security consulted by La Derecha Diario, these criminals were intercepted at train stations while attempting to reach the protest with clearly criminal intentions.
Milei's Government made it clear that it would not allow violent groups to use the excuse of "retirees" to create chaos, something that was achieved perfectly, as no incidents were recorded.

The prevention strategy, implemented at various strategic points in the City, aimed to prevent new episodes of violence like those that occurred last week. "Protest is not violence. The police will suppress any attack against the Republic," could be read on screens at train stations.
This mobilization, presented as "massive," was not very significant, and they didn't even manage to fill the Congress square. Meanwhile, Milei's Government achieved the approval of the DNU on the new agreement with the IMF in the Chamber of Deputies.
Last Wednesday's disturbances, which were not recorded today, ended in violent clashes between left-wing terrorists and the security forces, resulting in 29 identified hooligans and reported by the Ministry of Security.
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