Uva Mortgage Loans: Which Banks Require Less Income
The return of UVA mortgage loans generates expectation, but access depends on income.
In the current real estate market, many seek to access their own home through mortgage loans. However, banks require certain minimum incomes to approve the loans.
Today, 24 banks offer UVA-adjusted credit lines, but each has different requirements. We analyze how much you need to earn to qualify for a $100 million loan and how the installment varies according to the chosen term.

The banks that require the lowest incomes
The minimum income varies according to the entity and the loan term. For a $100 million loan, these are the banks with the most accessible conditions:
- Banco Nación (4.5% rate over 30 years): minimum income of $2,026,741, with an initial installment of $506,685.
- Banco Municipal de Rosario (3% rate over 20 years): minimum income of $2,210,780, with an initial installment of $552,695.
- Banco Ciudad (3.5% rate over 20 years): minimum income of $2,326,077, with an installment of $581,519.
- BBVA (6.5% rate): minimum income of $2,528,000, with an installment of $632,000.
- Banco Galicia (7% rate over 30 years): minimum income of $2,661,210, with an installment of $665,302.
- Banco Santander (7% rate over 30 years): minimum income of $2,661,212, with an installment of $665,303.
What if you want a loan for fewer years?
If you reduce the loan term, the monthly installment increases and, with it, the required minimum income. Here are some examples for 15-year loans:
- Banco Ciudad: minimum income of $2,865,797, with an installment of $716,449.
- Banco Nación: minimum income of $3,059,973, with an installment of $764,993.
- Banco Galicia: minimum income of $3,595,300, with an installment of $898,800.
- Banco Santander: minimum income of $3,595,312, with an installment of $898,828.
- BBVA: minimum income of $3,600,908, with an installment of $900,227.

Can you access a loan with just one salary?
It's possible, but difficult. Most banks require high incomes, making it challenging to qualify with just one salary. However, you can combine incomes with a spouse or family member to reach the required amounts.
The banks that allow adding more people's incomes
Some entities offer greater flexibility and allow adding more than two incomes, facilitating access to the loan:
- Banco Ciudad: allows up to six incomes to apply for the loan.
- Banco Comafi: admits up to four co-debtors, including direct relatives.
- Banco Galicia: allows adding up to three incomes.
- BBVA: accepts up to two direct relatives as co-debtors.
- Banco Municipal de Rosario: allows adding incomes with relatives up to the third degree of consanguinity (parents, siblings, children, grandparents, or uncles).

Is it advisable to apply for a UVA mortgage loan?
UVA loans facilitate home buying, but inflation adjustment implies a risk. Before applying for one, it's crucial to evaluate income, job stability, and loan conditions.
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