A man speaking in front of a microphone with a blue background.

Unbelievable: Axel Kicillof increased the electricity rate by 3.3% and blamed Milei

Instead of admitting that the subsidy policy was a time bomb, Kicillof plays the victim and blames Milei.

The province of Buenos Aires announced an increase in the electricity tariff of up to 3.3%, and Governor Axel Kicillof was quick to blame President Javier Milei for the measure.

Through Resolution 120/2025, published in the Buenos Aires Official Gazette,  the increase was made official, arguing that it responds to decisions by the National Government.

Tariff increase and Kicillof's excuses

According to the official statement, the increase is due to the "new increase by the National Government," which includes:

  • The transfer of national wholesale price variations.
  • The  removal of subsidies for low and middle-income users.
  • An  adjustment of the Distribution Added Value (DAV), which will impact an average of 2.3% on the final bill for residential users.

According to the new tariff scheme:

  • A residential user N1 (high income) who paid $34,840 will now pay $35,400, with an increase of  1.6%.
  • A user N2 (low income with social tariff) who paid $20,900 will now pay $21,600, that is, a  3.3% increase.
  • The impact of these increases will begin to reflect in March consumption and  will reach the April bills.
Two people smiling and conversing in a formal setting.
Unbelievable: Kicillof increased the electricity rate by 3.3% and blamed Milei | La Derecha Diario

A tariff increase hidden by the narrative

The Buenos Aires governor tries to blame the Nation for this new increase, but the reality is that  his administration is the one that defines the tariff schedules in the province. The removal of subsidies is a decision aimed at cleaning up public accounts after years of Kirchnerist mismanagement, where artificially low tariffs were applied at the cost of an  unsustainable public expenditure.

Instead of admitting that the subsidy policy was a time bomb,  Kicillof prefers to victimize himself and blame Milei, when his own government is the one carrying out the adjustment in the province. It is evident that the Kirchnerist strategy remains the same: to burden the National Government with the consequences of their own misgovernment.

Energy works: another narrative without support

The province reported that 51 works related to transformer stations are underway, with an estimated investment of  $790,000 million. However, the numbers show another reality:

Since 2019, only 12 works have been completed.

  • 4 are under execution.
  • 3 in bidding.
  • 20 in the project phase.
  • The rest still have no concrete progress.
A man smiling with a blurry background.
Unbelievable: Kicillof increased the electricity rate by 3.3% and blamed Milei | La Derecha Diario

That is to say, the vast majority of the works remain hanging in the air, while the province faces constant problems in the quality of electricity supply.

Milei advances with order, Kicillof maintains the narrative

President Javier Milei has been clear in his goal of ordering public accounts and eliminating distortions that perpetuate the fiscal deficit. The tariff update responds to the need to make the economy more transparent, something previous governments avoided to maintain an unsustainable populist model.

Meanwhile, Milei works to redirect the country, Kicillof continues betting on demagogy and victimization. However, the reality is undeniable: the province of Buenos Aires continues to apply adjustments while blaming the Nation, showing that Kirchnerism only seeks to maintain its narrative  without taking responsibility.

➡️ Argentina

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