Wanda Nara Won a Legal Dispute Against China Suárez: the Details of the Ruling
A tough legal setback for the actress who didn't achieve the financial compensation she expected from the businesswoman
One of the legal disputes between Wanda Nara and Eugenia "la China" Suárez had a favorable outcome for the businesswoman. Civil Court 109 dismissed Suárez's lawsuit, who had requested financial compensation for the alleged leak of private conversations shared on social media by Yanina Latorre under the theme of "the Turkish soap opera."
Eugenia Suárez argued that Wanda Nara was responsible for the leak of the chats that Latorre published in the last two months. However, the court considered that there was not enough evidence to support that accusation, which led to the dismissal of the actress's request.
The court ruling: insufficient evidence against Wanda Nara
In the resolution, the court emphasized the lack of clear evidence regarding the origin of the messages."Regardless of what might be considered about the authenticity of the messages in question, the fact is that no sufficient evidence has been offered to consider that Wanda Solange Nara was the one who 'leaked' the referenced conversations," indicated Civil Court 109.

The ruling also highlighted the impossibility of determining with certainty who shared the chats. "Given the impossibility of knowing with certainty the origin of the messages in question, there is no other solution but to dismiss the application of the procedural fine," added the judicial document.
Finally, the resolution concluded with the rejection of the request for a procedural fine for non-compliance with the precautionary measure and determined that the costs of the process be distributed in the order caused, considering the particularities of the case and the lack of timely response from the plaintiff.
Wanda Nara's lawyer shared the court's ruling on his social media, an action that the cosmetics businesswoman replicated on her Instagram.

A great day for Wanda
Meanwhile, Wanda also won the battle against Mauro Icardi for the custody of their daughters, Francesca and Isabella. The court will rule in favor of the businesswoman. According to Ángel De Brito, the judge of Court 85 determined that Nara did not commit disobedience, thus avoiding a fine of 80 million pesos and the immediate return of the girls to Icardi.
The ruling granted a suspensive character to the appeal for the communication regime. "Wanda is not in disobedience for not handing over the girls, there is no fine of 80 million or anything until the Chamber solves," explained De Brito while reading the court resolution live.
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