Luis Arce Pointed Out the End of Evo Morales's 'era of Finger-pointing'
The current president and manager of the economic disaster dared to criticize the one who was his boss for fourteen years.
In the recent expansion of the Movement for Socialism (MAS), held on Friday, February 21 in the city of El Alto, President Luis Arce launched strong criticisms against the sector led by Evo Morales, who was his boss for fourteen years and whom he described as the "new right" within the party. In his speech, Arce insisted that the evismo has made a pact with the opposition to destabilize his government and that their political ambition puts the country's stability at risk.
However, these statements contrast with Arce's own past, who was a key figure for almost fourteen years in the government aligned with the dictatorships of Cuba and Venezuela, holding the position of Minister of Economy. During that time, Arce not only supported the disastrous decisions of the then-president but also defended the impoverishing economic and political model established by Morales. Now, with an evident fracture in MAS, he tries to distance himself from his former leader and present himself as the party's renewer.
The former dictator Evo Morales distanced himself this Sunday from the Movement for Socialism (MAS) by stating that that party without his leadership is supposedly no longer the people's brand. The former party leader claimed that the agreement he signed with the Front for Victory (FPV) for the elections made his opponents "wobble" who believed he would not get a signature.
"MAS used to be the people's brand with Evo, a brand of dignity with identity, a brand of guaranteeing sovereignty, not only political, social, cultural sovereignty, but also economic sovereignty." However, with these statements, the accused of pedophilia seems to suggest that only under his leadership does MAS represent the people's interests, ignoring that his figure has also been questioned for authoritarian practices and decisions that caused crises in the country. His attempt to impose the idea that he is the only legitimate leader reveals a reductionist view of politics, where his presence would be indispensable to guarantee sovereignty and dignity, ignoring the diversity of opinions and the wear that his leadership has experienced.
Masismo seeks support

The expansion of MAS also highlighted the low popular support that Arce has. Attendance at the event was considerably lower compared to similar events in previous years, reflecting the wear of his leadership and the lack of enthusiasm within the bases. Despite having the state apparatus and the support of some union sectors, the president fails to consolidate solid leadership within the ruling party.
One of the most notable announcements of the expansion was the supposed end of the "finger-pointing" in the selection of MAS candidates. According to Arce and his close circle, from now on, it will be the social organizations that will organically define the candidates for the 2025 general elections. "Today we put an end to finger-pointing. Never again an imposed candidate, it will be the bases who decide", declared an Arce supporter leader to the crowd. However, this statement contradicts the persistence of prebendalism within the Arce sector, where the distribution of positions and benefits remains a common practice to ensure political loyalties.
In the same vein, the Minister of Government, Eduardo del Castillo, pointed out that "MAS is in a process of deep renewal, where every activist has a voice and vote." However, in practice, decisions continue to be centralized in the Arce leadership, which appoints authorities and candidates at convenience, replicating the same dynamics that were criticized of the evismo.
In this context, Vice President David Choquehuanca surprised by proposing the inclusion of a woman in the MAS presidential ticket, thus proposing a "chacha-warmi" (man-woman) formula. This statement has been interpreted as a strategy to attract sectors seeking greater female representation in politics, but also as an attempt by Choquehuanca to position himself as a key player in the party's reconfiguration.
Meanwhile, the reaction of the evismo sector was not long in coming. The departmental leadership of MAS in La Paz, aligned with Morales, called for a massive disaffiliation from the party in protest against the decisions made in the expansion. For Evo's followers, the Arce leadership is betraying the principles of MAS and alienating the bases with measures imposed from the government.
The internal division in MAS deepens as the August 2025 elections approach. While Arce seeks to consolidate his leadership and project an image of renewal, his actions and speeches reflect contradictions that generate skepticism among the militancy. On the other hand, Morales continues to mobilize his support base, challenging Arce's authority and asserting that he is the true leader of the change process.
The struggle between Arce supporters and evismo not only defines the party's destiny but could also determine Bolivia's course in the coming years. However, beyond this internal confrontation, both factions represent the continuity of corruption and economic failure that have marked recent years. The fight for control of MAS doesn't respond to the interests of the Bolivian people but to the power struggle between two groups that have proven incapable of generating true development for the country.
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