The New Mexican School: a Perverse Model That Destroys Education
This new model has meant a deterioration in Mexico's education.
The New Mexican School was implemented as an educational project to improve the quality of education in the country, however, this model, which for me is perverse and Machiavellian, has another purpose.
Both myself and many other experts consider it an educational project for subjugation, full of propaganda, indoctrination, and control, to which our children are exposed.
It was implemented in 2019 with the arrival of the Fourth Transformation to the public life of the country, and since then the results have been truly catastrophic.
Since that year, these unpresentable individuals have dedicated themselves to dismantling education, as this model focused on prioritizing topics that have nothing to do with academic training.
They prioritized the inclusion of indigenous education and also teaching children topics of gender ideology, feminism, abortion, and socialism.
Indoctrination Project
For example, in the content of the new textbooks, there are characteristics of gender ideology, which is nothing more than the absurd assumption that the sexual identity of a human being is defined not by the reality of their body, but by the content of their imagination and tailor-made legal fictions.
Also, a large part of the pages of the textbooks are written with inclusive language, changing the letter "O" to "E" and "X" to be more "inclusive."
They promote radical feminism, which doesn't seek equal opportunities and rights for women, something they already have thanks to the constitutions of every Western country, but rather seeks continuous conflict with men.
The problem is not only the content of the textbooks, but also that institutions and mechanisms that evaluated the educational level of students have disappeared.
The National Institute for Educational Evaluation was eliminated, which makes it impossible to effectively evaluate educational achievements.
The entrance exam for secondary school and the COMIPEMS were removed, the latter consisted of evaluating students' knowledge in different areas such as mathematics and Spanish.
Model Results
All this affects students' learning, and as evidence, the very poor results in the 2022 PISA tests.
There, children in 3rd and 6th grade, as well as 2nd grade of secondary school, are evaluated in specific topics of mathematics, Spanish, science, and civics.
The results were: 34% of Mexican students barely surpassed the minimum level in mathematics, and in reading comprehension, only 53% could identify the main ideas of a written text.
In that year 2022, Mexico ranked 51st out of 81 countries evaluated.
In mathematics, 395 points were obtained, 14 less than in 2018; in science, 140 points were obtained, 9 less than in 2018.
In 2024, according to these tests, Mexico was the third worst-evaluated country in reading comprehension and mathematics, and the country with the worst score in science.
In reading comprehension, Mexico occupies the penultimate position among OECD member countries.
This is where I ask you, parents: Do our children deserve such a poor education? Is an entire generation of students going to be wasted?
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