Former President Felipe Calderón Breaks the Silence: They Slandered Me and Threatened Me
Felipe Calderón revealed in an interview that he received threats during his term and was slandered by his rivals.
Former President Felipe Calderón, in an interview with Yordi Rosado, broke the silence and denied the rumors about his alleged alcoholism. Additionally, he revealed that he received threats from drug trafficking due to his frontal fight against organized crime.
"You either confront crime or tolerate it," stated Calderón.
During the conversation, Calderón Hinojosa explained that, from the beginning of his administration, he found a state infiltrated by organized crime. He also asserted that fighting it was an inevitable decision.
He even confessed that he recorded a farewell video for his family in case he became a victim of an attack. The information was shared by Infobae.
"When you're president, you can't evade an elemental decision. You either confront crime or tolerate it. I made the decision to confront it," stated the former president.
Calderón detailed that his security strategy included the deployment of the Army and the Navy. The objective was to regain control of various regions of the country.
In the interview, it was also revealed that the former president faced a possible attack. According to his account, his security team received an anonymous call. In it, a former military member warned that organized crime planned to shoot down his aircraft with a missile launcher.
The farewell video for his family
Faced with the threat, Calderón decided to record a message addressed to his wife, Margarita Zavala, and his children. The video would be his last farewell in case he didn't survive:
"María, Lu, Felipe, Juan Pablo... If you get to see this video, it means something bad, very bad happened. I want you to always remember me as someone who was fulfilling his duty, that I was cheerful and happy serving Mexico."
The slanders about his alleged alcoholism
The former president assured that during his term he didn't steal "a single cent." He also stated that he didn't commit any crime. During the chat with Yordi Rosado, he acknowledged that he made mistakes, but he also had successes.
"Of course, many lies are told about the president. They say I built a bar in Los Pinos," commented Calderón.
"Since they didn't catch me stealing, or with women, or deliberately harming anyone, they invented that I was an alcoholic. That is a big lie with which they attack me."
The former president also pointed out that it was journalist Federico Arreola who invented the version about his alcoholism. However, he later retracted and offered a public apology.
"The one who invented that lie, Federico Arreola, acknowledged it and wrote in his tweets: 'I slandered Calderón with the alcoholism issue, it's not true.' They slander you, they destroy your life."
Finally, Calderón reflected on the fear and personal cost of his fight against organized crime. He highlighted that the safety of his family was always a constant concern. Despite this, his duty as president drove him to move forward.
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