Chapo Isidro allegedly delivered suitcases with cash to Rocha Moya and Américo Villarreal
The kingpin's cash was used to finance Morena campaign events in various states of the country.
They say: "He who has eyes, let him see." What has come to light since 2021 regarding Morena and the narco makes it clear why they earned the nickname narcoparty.
Let's go step by step, and the first part involves a drug lord known as El Chapo Isidro. This capo, belonging to the Sinaloa Cartel, sent suitcases full of cash to Ruben Rocha Moya and Américo Villarreal.
These politicians even went to see the capo at his hideout in the mountains of the state of Sinaloa to personally collect the cash. The resources were used to finance their political campaigns and "one or two" luxuries, like houses and land.

They recorded a founder of Morena and a personal friend of Andy López Beltrán who confirms it.
All this information is not speculative but confirmed by a founder of Morena in the state in the testimony of Jocelyn Hernández.
Rocío Jocelyn Hernández Jiménez is one of the founders of the youth movement of Morena and a personal friend of "Andy" López Beltrán.
According to an investigation by Código Magenta, resources from the Welfare programs were allegedly diverted to finance Morena's political campaigns.

Jocelyn Hernández was recorded for the second time in a restaurant in Houston, Texas as part of an inquiry.
She described in her statement that suitcases of cash were delivered to the campaign house of Rubén Rocha Moya. It is a direct testimony.
"I saw the suitcases full of money,"
asserted Jocelyn Hernández.
Where did the money come from? The Morena operator in Sinaloa in the 2021 election attributes it to Fausto Isidro Meza-Flores, who is one of the historical leaders of the Sinaloa Cartel, known as 'El Chapo Isidro'
Everything connects with the Sinaloa Cartel.
This is the character who, according to the testimony of Jocelyn Hernández, met with Rubén Rocha and Américo Villarreal in mid-2021:
Jocelyn Hernández recalls that on the day the meeting of Américo Villarreal and Rubén Rocha with 'El Chapo Isidro' was scheduled, they were instructed not to get involved in anything.
"We will take care of everything, you can't go unless we blindfold you"
her bosses told her. A confession that this was a clandestine operation.

Américo Villarreal and Rubén Rocha requested a private jet for their alleged meeting with 'El Chapo Isidro', and there the operation was consolidated.
There is a record that the private jet traveled 7 times to the mountains of Sinaloa.
With these statements, it is clear that Morena was partially funded by organized crime. It is no coincidence that the Sinaloa Cartel was the one that grew the most during AMLO's administration.

Now, Chapo Isidro has been included in the FBI's top 10 most wanted list, nothing is a coincidence. The US government is determined to end the drug cartels.
But to effectively clean up, they must sweep from the top, meaning those who made deals with the narco will have to fall. Ruben Rocha Moya and Américo Villarreal along with López Obrador are under scrutiny.
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