The Political Landscape in Mexico: Between Power and Manipulation
PAN a joke; PRI shameless; PRD cowardly; Green Party opportunistic; MC vulgar and MORENA eloquent.
The political landscape in Mexico is affected by a political ideology of an "overwhelming" majority. Political parties, by their nature, divide society just as the Argentine political scientist Agustín Laje points out in his book The Cultural Battle.
An environment where the republic is not applicable but rather the whim of the authorities. An exact example is the Electoral Tribunal, which arbitrarily corrects documentation from autonomous bodies and even makes them binding when they are only consultation documents. Meanwhile, the district courts are committing acts that tarnish the rule of law, at the whim of the supposed opposition, which in its desperation wants to stop a reform that legally can't be.
This is where one begins to see more sense in a colloquial phrase "the law among the people is as useless as in the government". Among the people, due to civic reasons, a legal order is not so necessary, and in the government, due to their lust for power, they wield the sword and not the constitution.
In the end, there is so much talk of nepotism in the Judiciary that they do not realize that in the Executive, with extensive business and impunity, for example, former legal advisor Julio Scherer, who along with Zaldívar moved crucial pieces like the current Minister Yasmín Esquivel, who arbitrarily formulated sentences when she was a Magistrate presiding over the Administrative Contentious Tribunal in Mexico City in the years 2012 and 2015. She was later proposed by Julio Scherer to the former President of the Republic.
It is a back and forth with what happens in the jurisdictional framework, involving parties, majority, judges, and citizens, where the ultimate goal is always the same: control.
In the end, the parties in Mexico are involved in everything for power. PAN is a joke; PRI is shameless; PRD is cowardly; Green Party is opportunistic; Civic Movement is vulgar, and MORENA is eloquent. Each party is doing its personal work and not in search of the common good, having judges who draft resolutions arbitrarily and public servants without ethics and with interests foreign to the sovereignty of the people.
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