A blonde woman and a bearded man pose together for a selfie in front of a mirror.

The video in which Mauro Icardi assaulted Wanda's lawyer's wife was leaked.

A recording of the player began circulating on social media, showing a new episode of the Chateau Libertador altercation

A week after the intense events at Chateau Libertador, new images of the confrontation between  Mauro Icardi  and Sofía Ferrarazzo, the wife of Nicolás Payarola, the lawyer of Wanda Nara, continue to circulate on social media, revealing more details of the tense situation that occurred at the property where the host resides with her five children.

Last Friday night, a meeting that seemed to be an opportunity for Icardi to reunite with his daughters, after more than 60 days without seeing them, ended in a violent conflict that involved police intervention.

Se filtró el video en el que Mauro Icardi agredió a la esposa del abogado de Wanda

According to Ángel de Brito's account, it all started with an apparently trivial disagreement; the footballer didn't want two of the girls' dogs to stay in the house due to the presence of capybaras at his residence, which could cause complications. However,  the situation quickly escalated and became a much bigger problem, affecting not only the parents' relationship but also the well-being of the young daughters.

The dispute reached such a level of tension that it was necessary to call the police. In one of the most dramatic moments, the youngest daughter was in her father's arms when three officers asked him to put her down so she could return to her mother. This incident reflected the lack of agreement between the parents, who failed to solve the conflict through communication, with the girls as the main victims.

A group of police officers interacts with people at the entrance of an elevator.
The scandalous encounter between Mauro Icardi and Wanda Nara | La Derecha Diario

A week later, a video recorded by the player began circulating on social media, showing a new episode of the altercation. In the images, Sofía Ferrarazzo  is seen arguing with the footballer in the building's hallway, asking him to let the girl go so she could have a glass of water.

The tone of the conversation becomes increasingly tense, with Mauro responding defiantly and Ferrarazzo trying to calm the situation. In the midst of the argument, the cosmetics entrepreneur, who was on the side, entered the property with bandaged arms, which coincides with the host's statement about her recent surgery.

The altercation ends when Sofia hits Icardi's phone, abruptly cutting off the recording. This episode added more intrigue to the already complex situation surrounding the couple's relationship and the custody of the daughters, leading Wanda to file a complaint with the Justice to give her version of the events.

➡️ Argentina

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