A person speaking at a press conference with a microphone and a tablet in front of a blue background.

Bullrich demands that clubs expel the hooligans who were at the march

The official asked the teams to sanction the 'fans' who were part of the march for the retirees

The Minister of National Security urged Argentine football clubs to sanction the fans who attended this Wednesday's demonstration. "We are going to request a declaration of repudiation from everyone," she stated.

After the mobilization of retirees and hooligans, disguised as supposed fans, Patricia Bullrich announced that she will request the expulsion of members who participated in the protest and caused disturbances outside the National Congress from the sports institutions.

A person speaking in front of a microphone with a blue background.
Bullrich targeted the hooligans in her conference | La Derecha Diario

"We are going to formally ask the clubs whose fans participated for a declaration of repudiation and to expel all the members who participated in the march, an immediate expulsion," the minister declared at a press conference.

She also clarified that she hadn't had direct contact with Claudio Tapia, president of the AFA, on the matter: "I didn't speak with Tapia, yes, our National Directorate of Sports Events team was calling the club leaderships in the days prior. They said they had nothing to do with it, it's possible that the Director of Sports Events spoke with Tapia, he didn't call me."

A group of people walks down a street during a protest, some wearing colorful jerseys and caps, while raising their arms and there is smoke in the air.
The "barras" were the initial hardcore of the mobilization | La Derecha Diario

Bullrich insisted on her stance and added: "We are going to ask them now, because before they said they had nothing to do with it, to issue an official communication from each club, from each jersey that was seen there, that the club had nothing to do with it."

Mobilization of the hooligans

In the same press conference, Bullrich assured that she will denounce the hooligans and the ultra-Kirchnerist mayors Fernando Espinoza, from La Matanza, and Federico Otermin, from Lomas de Zamora, who were accomplices in their transfer to Congress and consequently in the destruction and disturbances of public order.

Two men pose in different settings, one outdoors making a victory gesture and the other in an indoor environment with a backdrop of logos.
Espinoza and Otermin are said to have collaborated to mobilize the hooligans | La Derecha Diario

"It was a march organized by gangs, by hooligans, by different sectors seeking destabilization," the minister pointed out, indicating that there is evidence that part of the demonstrators left from both municipalities before reaching Parliament. "It was all organized to destabilize this government. And they are going to try to do it every Wednesday and the state is not going to allow it," she added.

Meanwhile, the official complained because "many of the detainees were already released by the Justice," and several already had criminal records. This criticism was specifically directed at Karina Andrade, head of the Criminal, Misdemeanor, and Offenses Court 15 of the city of Buenos Aires. In relation to this, this noon the Minister of Justice, Mariano Cúneo Libarona, announced through a social media post that he will consider denouncing her before the Magistrates' Council.

A woman speaking into a microphone during a conference or meeting.
Karina Andrade could be reported by the Ministry of Justice | La Derecha Diario
➡️ Argentina

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