Emiliano Pinsón Will Begin Treatment for Parkinson's: 'it's My Only Hope'
The journalist will travel to Spain for a treatment for Parkinson's that could improve his quality of life.
Emiliano Pinsón shared news that restored his hope: he will travel to Spain to begin an experimental treatment against Parkinson's.
The journalist, diagnosed in 2021, emotionally shared that he was accepted into a medical protocol that could improve his quality of life.

A treatment that renews hope
For some time, Pinsón has been researching alternatives to face the disease. In a recent interview, he revealed that he contacted six specialized clinics in Spain and received responses from three, located in Valencia, Barcelona, and Pamplona. Finally, the one in Pamplona accepted him, and he will be able to start the treatment in the coming weeks.
"I had a trip planned with my children and told the doctors: 'I'll be in Madrid on February 10.' They did a complete check-up and determined that I'm in condition to take the protocol," he explained in a conversation with the site Un Ensayo para Mí.
What does the treatment consist of?
Although the details are not yet fully known, it is a clinical trial with pills, under a double-blind system. This means that neither the patients nor the doctors know who receives the real medication and who receives the placebo. "It lasts a year, we have to see how the results evolve and what happens afterward," Pinsón explained.
Emiliano Pinson iniciara un tratamiento contra el Parkinson
"It's the only hope I have"
After receiving confirmation of his admission to the treatment, the journalist spoke with Marcelo Benedetto on DSports Radio and expressed his joy. "It's a step forward and the only hope I have of returning to a more normal life."
How Parkinson's affects Emiliano Pinsón
In 2023, Pinsón shared his story in an interview for the Ibero-American Public Health Foundation. There, he detailed how Parkinson's impacted his daily life and the changes he implemented after the diagnosis.
Emiliano Pinson iniciara un tratamiento contra el Parkinson
"I care about fewer things than before, now I say: 'I have 15 years left, what do I want to do? Travel.' So I save for that, to enjoy with my children and friends," he shared. "I used to be very punctual, now I arrive just on time: I'm more disorganized, but I've learned to prioritize what's important."
A diagnosis that changed everything
On February 4, 2021, Pinsón received the diagnosis of Parkinson's, but the symptoms had started earlier. "I thought it was stress because I worked late and slept little, during the pandemic I realized something was wrong. I walked strangely and one day on TV a producer asked me if I had a stiff neck because I moved a lot," he recalled.
The daily challenges of living with Parkinson's
The journalist explained that the disease affects his fine motor skills and limits him in simple actions. "I can't tie my shoes, it takes me 10 minutes. Sending a text message, buttoning my jersey, or turning in bed are things that are much harder for me now," he recounted.
Emiliano Pinson iniciara un tratamiento contra el Parkinson
To cope, he has a team of specialists: physiotherapist, speech therapist, psychologist, and psychiatrist. However, he acknowledges that some days are more difficult than others. "There are better and worse days, but I'm managing," he expressed.
The unconditional support of his family and friends
Pinsón also spoke about the essential role of his loved ones: "My friends, all 50 years old, were stunned when I told them. But after that day, our relationship changed for the better. They are very alert to me," he shared.

About his children, he confessed that at first, they didn't understand the magnitude of the problem. "Now they see it more: They ask me and I tell them to treat me as always. We have to adapt," he said emotionally.
What is Parkinson's?
Parkinson's disease is a progressive nervous system disorder that affects movement. Its symptoms begin mildly, sometimes with a tremor in one hand, and progress over time. In addition to tremors, it can also cause muscle stiffness, difficulty moving, and changes in posture.
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