A group of people smiles in front of a sign that says "Freedom Advances."

Milei's La Libertad Avanza leads the voting intention in CABA: PRO is third

The study, conducted by CB Consultora Opinión Pública, interviewed 1,055 residents of Buenos Aires between February 10 and 12.

If Mauricio and Jorge Macri thought that bringing forward the Buenos Aires election would be a tactic to pressure Javier Milei's government, in addition to consolidating the district as a PRO stronghold, a new survey seems to show otherwise.

In this study, in two key measurements, neither the yellow party leads the voting intention nor do its leaders stand out in the race for the candidacy.

This survey is preliminary, as alliances are not yet defined and the date of the local election, scheduled for July 6, could be moved up to May 11 or 18 if the primaries are suspended.

The study was conducted by CB Consultora Opinión Pública, one of the firms that gained greater relevance in recent years in the political and media field. Between February 10 and 12, the consultancy, led by analyst Cristian Buttié, interviewed 1,055 residents of the City. The results were presented with a margin of error of +/- 3%.

Pie chart showing the results of a survey in CABA with percentages: La Libertad Avanza 27%, Unión por la Patria 23.6%, PRO 22.2%, Don't know 12.7%, Other 8.8%, Frente de Izquierda 5.7%.
Voting intention in CABA. | La Derecha Diario

The three main charts of the report are related to the images of the main Buenos Aires leaders (possible candidates), the electoral potential of those same figures, and the voting intention by political space.

In this last aspect, the results are surprising: La Libertad Avanza of Javier Milei leads the voting intention, while the Macri's PRO is competing for second and third place with the Peronism-Kirchnerism, which is slightly ahead.

To analyze the images and the possible electoral floors and ceilings, CB selected 11 leaders. The sector with the greatest representation is the libertarians: three of them are official (Karina Milei, Manuel Adorni, and Pilar Ramírez) and two external (Ramiro Marra and Yamil Santoro).

Also included are a Macri supporter (Waldo Wolff), two representatives of Unión por la Patria (Leandro Santoro and Juan Manuel Abal Medina), two former heads of government (Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and Jorge Telerman), and one from the left (Gabriel Solano).

A man with glasses and a dark suit speaking into a microphone against a blue illuminated background.
Javier Milei, president of Argentina. | La Derecha Diario

Voting Intention

Regarding the political spaces, the chart perhaps presents the most striking data, as it places the PRO in third place, despite having governed the City for more than 17 years.

According to the report, Milei's La Libertad Avanza leads the voting intention with a 27%, while in second place is Unión por la Patria, with 23.6%, and the Macri's PRO comfortably in third, with 22.2%.

In fourth place, the Frente de Izquierda would get 5.7%. " Other political spaces" gather 8.8%, while the undecided add up to 12.7%.

➡️ Argentina

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