Two men standing, one in a dark suit and blue jersey, the other with a beard holding a mate, against a light blue background with partially visible text.

La Libertad Avanza in PBA wanted to suspend the PASO, but Kirchnerism didn't provide a quorum.

The bloc led by Agustín Romo didn't manage to gather the necessary quorum to hold a session this Thursday

The La Libertad Avanza bloc in the Buenos Aires Chamber of Deputies, led by Agustín Romo, failed to gather the necessary quorum to hold a session this Thursday with the purpose of suspending the Primary elections in the province of Buenos Aires.

The lack of willingness within Peronismprevented the initiative from advancing. The sectors of La Cámpora and the Frente Renovador boycotted the session by choosing not to enter the chamber, where only legislators from LLA, PRO, and the Civic Coalition were present.

"We were prepared to reach an agreement today, we didn't come here to score a political victory, a personal victory. We want clear rules, we want clear rules for these elections. It can't be that the institutional framework of the province of Buenos Aires is conditioned by the internal affairs of the ruling party, it's a lack of respect," expressed the president of the LLA bloc, Agustín Romo.

The fragmentation within Unión por la Patria became evident. The 10 deputies of the Frente Renovador did not attend, just like the representatives of La Cámpora, although legislators from Kicillof's space did participate, albeit to "make an appearance," because they could do nothing.

A smiling man makes a peace sign with his hand in front of a blue background.
Axel Kicillof, Buenos Aires governor | La Derecha Diario

LLA's project

The project presented by La Libertad Avanza in the province of Buenos Aires seeks to take a step toward the modernization of the electoral system by proposing that the primaries, that is, the selection of candidates within the parties, be an internal responsibility of the parties and not a process funded by all citizens.

After all, it is not fair that taxpayers should bear the cost of the internal disputes among politicians, whose solution should come from the parties themselves and their affiliates, who are the true stakeholders in defining their candidates.

A man in a suit and tie is sitting in a formal setting, possibly a conference room or an auditorium, with other people in the background.
Congressman Agustín Romo | La Derecha Diario

"From La Libertad Avanza, we presented a project in the Chamber of Deputies of the province of Buenos Aires to eliminate the PASO. Let the politicians pay for the primaries, not the taxpayers," expressed Deputy Romo a few months ago when presenting the project.

Each year, the costs of the PASO add up to billions of pesos, which could well be invested in key areas such as health, education, or security. The resources of the State are limited, and financing activities that exclusively benefit politicians and their electoral ambitions doesn't seem logical. The parties should take responsibility for organizing their own primaries without resorting to taxpayers.

However, the lack of willingness on the part of Kirchnerism shows that they are not interested in this type of project, and they seek to continue squandering millions of pesos on political expenses.

➡️ Argentina

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