Patricia Bullrich: 'On Wednesday there was an attempt to degrade Argentine democracy'
The Minister of Security stated it was an attempt at destabilization. The endorsement of the security forces
The Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, defended the actions of the security forces during the disturbances recorded last Wednesday in front of the National Congress. The official highlighted the professionalism of the federal officers and warned about destabilizing maneuvers driven by sectors seeking to halt change in Argentina.
In statements to LN+, Bullrich emphasized that what happened was not a simple demonstration, but "an organized attempt to create chaos and attack democratic stability". The minister was blunt: "It was not a peaceful protest by retirees, but a political operation to destabilize the government, with marginal actors and violent groups that destroyed public property and attacked the security forces."
Defense of order and democracy
Bullrich explained that the government is committed to ensuring public order and defending the rule of law. "While some promote disorder, we work to protect Argentinians who want to live in peace and freedom", she noted.
The minister emphasized that the disturbances were led by hooligans and sectors of the radicalized left, who, she claimed, seek to prevent the country from advancing in the transformation that society chose last year. "People voted for change and there are sectors that do not accept it. Those sectors respond to a model of clientelism that has already been defeated, and now they resort to violence to regain lost privileges", she stated.

Support for the security forces
Bullrich congratulated the Federal Police officers for their actions. "They did an impeccable, professional job and respected the law. We will not allow criminals to take over the streets," she assured.
According to official data, of the 30 people arrested in the disturbances, 26 had criminal records. This, for the minister, is clear evidence that they were not ordinary citizens, but "organized groups seeking to sow chaos." She also questioned the attitude of some judges who released the detainees in record time, pointing out that "they defend criminals and do not respect the mandate of society to live in a safe country".
Criticism of some leaders' lukewarmness
Bullrich also addressed the criticisms from some sectors allied with the government. Regarding the Mayor of Buenos Aires, Jorge Macri, she said: "I don't like that after working side by side, the Mayor makes a point and apart. We must stand together in defending the order and security of Argentinians". Meanwhile, regarding Vice President Victoria Villarruel, she noted that "she should be clearer in condemning these events. What happened was not a democratic exercise, but an aggression against democracy".

A government working for retirees
Bullrich clarified that the national government is making a huge effort to improve the situation of retirees. "Today retirees earn more in dollars than they did during Massa's administration. The difference is clear and people know it", she stated.
She also denounced that "sectors of Kirchnerism, like Massa, Kicillof, and D'Elía, used retirees as militant labor for their marches. That is over, and that's why they now resort to hooligans and the violent".
Concrete projects to combat violence
Finally, Bullrich announced that the government will send a bill to Congress to combat hooligans. "We are going to end the pact between politics, judges, and the violent in football clubs. We want a peaceful Argentina, where rights are exercised without extortion or violence", she stated.
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