Two blue animated characters with big eyes and wide smiles, with long appendages on their heads, are joyfully jumping in a countryside landscape with mountains and a lake in the background.

Pokémon TCG Pocket adds new promotional cards in its magical elections event

Manaphy and Snorlax star in the latest update of the card game that's revolutionizing the world.

Pokémon TCG Pocket continues to expand its card catalog with the launch of a new magical choices event, which will allow players to obtain promotional cards of Manaphy and Snorlax.

Since its debut, the game has released four expansions with cards centered on iconic Pokémon like Pikachu, Mewtwo, Charizard, Mew, Dialga, Palkia, and Arceus, amassing more than 500 cards in just a few months. In addition to regular packs and expansions, the game has introduced exclusive promotional cards through special events.

A Pokémon card with the image of Manaphy on the left and a colorful design with several animated characters on the right.
Pokémon TCG Pocket adds new promotional cards in its magical elections event | La Derecha Diario

Active events in Pokémon TCG Pocket

Currently, the game has three simultaneous events:

  • Versus Mode: Allows obtaining a special Gible card.
  • Player battles: Grant Iris Dust and pack hourglasses as rewards.
  • Magical choices event: Provides access to the promotional cards of Manaphy and Snorlax.
A Pokémon card shows Snorlax sleeping peacefully on a dock by a lake with a colorful background and nature details.
Pokémon TCG Pocket adds new promotional cards in its magical elections event | La Derecha Diario

How to get the Manaphy and Snorlax cards

  1. Through magical choices, players can choose to receive a free reward or, in exchange for two energy blocks, select from five Manaphy and/or Snorlax cards.
  2. As in previous events, these cards come with special missions and exclusive items in the game's store.
  3. Two backgrounds and a thematic cover can be obtained by exchanging three special coupons.

The event will be available until March 24, offering a limited opportunity to add these promotional cards to the collection.

➡️ Argentina

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