10,000 Argentine peso bills next to a person using a mobile phone with a financial app.

Ranking of virtual wallets: the best performances in March 2025

Discover the latest interest rates and compare the most profitable investment options in virtual wallets

This Friday, March 14, the main virtual wallets update their interest rates for options like fixed terms, remunerated accounts, and mutual funds. 

Below, we provide the details of the most competitive interest rates.

Mobile app icons including Naranja X, Personal Pay, BNA+, and more. Those who will have to be careful not to exceed the new transfer amounts imposed by ARCA in December 2024.
The most competitive interest rates | La Derecha Diario
Interest rate of remunerated accounts and mutual funds

The interest rates of remunerated accounts and mutual funds (FCI) are shown below. It is important to consider the limits established for each of the options.

Virtual WalletInterest Rate
Ualá (Remunerated Account)32%
Cocos (FCI RM)30.66%
Naranja X (Remunerated Account)29%
Personal Pay (FCI MM)26.64%
Prex Argentina (FCI MM)26.28%
Mercado Pago (FCI MM)25.91%
IEB+ (FCI MM)25.19%
Claro Pay (FCI MM)24.82%
Astropay (FCI MM)24.82%
LetsBit Finanzas (FCI MM)24.46%
N1U (FCI MM)24.09%
Lemon Cash (FCI MM)23.73%

How do remunerated accounts work?

Remunerated accounts allow you to generate daily interest on the deposited money without needing to make additional investments. Unlike a traditional savings account, these accounts offer returns. However, the interest is credited at the end of each month.

Three phones showing the most used virtual wallets in Argentina with balances and transaction options.
Remunerated accounts allow generating daily interest on deposited money | La Derecha Diario
Mutual Funds vs Fixed Terms: Which is the best option?

Mutual funds (FCI) offer a more flexible option compared to traditional fixed terms. Unlike fixed terms, mutual funds allow you to withdraw money quickly (within 24 to 48 hours), offering greater liquidity. However, the returns of both are similar.

Comparison of fixed-term interest rates in Argentine banks

Regarding fixed terms, banks have also adjusted their interest rates. If you are considering investing in a fixed term, here is a comparison:

BankInterest Rate (TNA)
Banco Galicia28%
Banco Macro27.25%
Banco Nación25%
Banco Santander24%
A hand taking Argentine peso bills out of a brown wallet.
Banks have also adjusted their interest rates | La Derecha Diario
Fixed Term Simulator: How much can you earn?

If you want to know the return on your investment, you can use El Economista's Fixed Term Simulator. You just need to enter the amount and the investment days to see how much each bank would pay you.

When is it convenient to make a fixed term?

Fixed terms are ideal for those seeking a safe and short-term investment. If you want to protect your money from inflation, this can be a good option to avoid losing purchasing power.

A bundle of 1000 and 10,000 Argentine peso bills.
Fixed-term deposits are ideal for those seeking a safe investment | La Derecha Diario
The minimum time to withdraw money from a traditional fixed term is 30 days. If the term is longer, the money can be withdrawn once the agreed term is completed.
➡️ Argentina

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