The Kirchnerist terrorists destroyed the monument to the victims of the quarantine.
In a deplorable act, the activists used the stones of the COVID-19 victims to throw them at the Federal Police and the Casa Rosada.
Amid the unrest caused by a group of terrorists affiliated with Kirchnerism and leftist sectors, a group of misfits destroyed a monument to the victims of the pandemic.
After moving from the Congress area to Plaza de Mayo, a crowd of hooligans and sectors affiliated with Kirchnerism used the stones that are part of the monument as weapons against the police.
Not only did these misfits attack the officers behind the Casa Rosada fence, but they also directly attacked the presidential palace.

Far from dispersing and leaving the area, the terrorists chose to return to the Plaza de Mayo area and start a new focus of unrest.
So far, according to the City Police, there are a total of more than 89 detainees, while federal forces report more than 20, accounting for a total of 150 detainees.
Meanwhile, it was reported that several officers from different security forces have injuries of varying severity. According to various reports, there are nine injured officers: three from the Federal Police, three from the Coast Guard, and three from the City Police, one of whom suffered a gunshot wound to the arm.

In addition to directly attacking a security force officer, they also caused significant damage to their property by setting fire to a patrol car belonging to the City Police.
The possession of firearms by the terrorists (it is theorized that they are of the "tumberas" type) is a matter of extreme concern, due to the danger these individuals pose to the population and the country.
Some groups of people causing disturbances are still reported in the vicinity of Congress and the Plaza de Mayo area, continuing to attack various television channels and destroying private property.

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