Two men in suits shake hands at an outdoor event, surrounded by other people.

Jaime Soliz Blamed Tuto Quiroga's Advisers for Fights Among False Opponents

The pre-candidate pointed out that those conflicts only reveal the petty interests of these politicians.

The presidential candidate of Bolivia, Jaime Soliz, has directly pointed to the advisors of Jorge "Tuto" Quiroga as responsible for the recent disputes within the false opposition. According to Soliz, these fights are showing that the supposed unity of opponents responds more to personal interests than to a true national project. He also stated that the false opposition block is only paving the way for masismo to commit fraud again.

Soliz, leader of the National Unity of Territories (ÚNETE) front, has recently positioned himself as a critic of traditional political elites. In his recent statements, he claimed that the members of the false opposition have lived off politics without truly working for the benefit of the country. "To achieve the fortune they have, an ordinary person would have to work 300 years, but they achieved it in just two decades," he denounced.

The politician also reiterated that Evo Morales will not participate in the upcoming elections and dismissed the apparent fight between "masistas" and "evistas," assuring that it is a distraction strategy. Regarding his participation in the "Yes" campaign in the 2016 referendum, Soliz clarified that he did it only to avoid persecution by the Movement for Socialism (MAS).

A group of people dressed in green walks down the street, one of them wearing a large mask and waving, while text on the screen says
Jaime Soliz campaigning in favor of Evo Morales | La Derecha Diario

Within his electoral strategy, Soliz has promoted an alliance with Chi Hyun Chung, leader of the AMAR party, with the purpose of forming a solid opposition block. Both have stated that their goal is to guarantee economic freedom in Bolivia. They have also called on other political leaders and economists, such as Jaime Dunn, Captain Lara, and Branko Marinkovic, to join their initiative.

During the presentation of this alliance, Soliz highlighted that efforts are being made to establish international agreements. Chi Hyun Chung has planned trips to Korea and Japan to strengthen economic cooperation. Likewise, Soliz revealed that they have recently contacted the Bolivian Episcopal Conference to serve as a mediator in the search for opposition unity.

The candidate has not spared criticism of other opposition sectors. He has openly questioned the alliance formed by Quiroga, Samuel Doria Medina, Carlos Mesa, and Luis Fernando Camacho, accusing them of prioritizing internal disputes instead of focusing on confronting MAS.

In this regard, he has also defended the mayor of Cochabamba, Manfred Reyes Villa, suggesting that he should be included in the opposition unity instead of being attacked. This despite the fact that the Cochabamba mayor has repeatedly shown his affinity and admiration for Luis Arce.

Does the false opposition consider that masismo is defeated?

People participating in a street protest, one of them holding a sign that says
Soliz in a lenders' march | La Derecha Diario

Soliz has emphasized that MAS should not be underestimated, as it still has a solid support base thanks to its control over state institutions and the millions of beneficiaries of its clientelist apparatus. "MAS remains a latent danger. If the opposition doesn't take this reality seriously, they could win the elections again or secure a parliamentary majority that blocks any attempt at change," he warned.

Regarding his government plan, Soliz has reiterated his commitment to an economic model based on free trade and foreign investment. He proposes tax forgiveness to reactivate the economy and the creation of free zones in border departments to attract international capital. "We want to open up to the world and turn Bolivia into a country that connects the Pacific with the Atlantic," he stated.

Another key axis of his proposal is oil exploitation. Soliz has established contacts with experts in Houston and the Shell Technology Center, who have indicated that exploration in Bolivia has been conducted in the wrong areas. According to his estimates, there are at least 1,600 wells with oil potential, which would make Bolivia a relevant player in the energy sector.

Regarding his stance on security and international politics, Soliz has been blunt: he proposes the militarization of Chapare from the first day of his mandate to combat drug trafficking. He has also declared that he would reestablish relations with the United States and break ties with countries like Cuba, Venezuela, and Iran.

Soliz has expressed his willingness to negotiate with other leaders to consolidate opposition unity, but he has insisted that the real enemy is MAS and criticized internal disputes. In this regard, he has urged the members of the false opposition to distribute the ministries because not everyone can be President.

➡️ Bolivia

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