Increased perception of corruption in Nuevo León
In 2024, public perception of corruption in Nuevo León reached alarming levels, surpassing 70%.
This increase reflects a growing distrust of the population toward public institutions in the state.
Revealing data from the "Así Vamos 2024" survey
The "Cómo Vamos, Nuevo León" platform presented the Citizen Perception Survey "Así Vamos 2024," where the following approval percentages were highlighted:
• Governor Samuel García: 64%
• Prosecutor's Office: 58%
• Mayors: 52%
• Local deputies: 46%
Although the governor maintains majority approval, the perception of corruption in state and municipal authorities is concerning.

Inaction in the fight against corruption
The Civic Council, through the Citizen Observatory of the State Anti-Corruption System of Nuevo León (SEANL), revealed that in 2023 more than 902 million pesos were allocated to programs aimed at combating corruption. However, the lack of tangible results has caused criticism toward the responsible authorities.
The president of the Civic Council pointed out the ineffectiveness of the anti-corruption prosecutor, referring to him as the "steel prosecutor, for zero results."
Recent cases affecting public perception
Various cases have contributed to the increase in the perception of corruption in the state:
• Questionable contracts in the DIF: It was revealed that a business consortium received contracts worth 820 million pesos during Samuel García's administration, which caused suspicions of corruption and led local deputies to consider the governor's impeachment.
• Sentences for electoral crimes: The Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary issued ten final sentences against the governor for electoral crimes committed during the 2023-2024 electoral process, which has affected citizens' trust in the institutions.
Impact on citizen trust
The combination of a high perception of corruption and the lack of decisive actions by the authorities has undermined citizens' trust in the public institutions of Nuevo León. This scenario highlights the need to strengthen transparency and accountability measures to regain lost credibility.

The increase in the perception of corruption in Nuevo León is a wake-up call for state and municipal authorities. It is imperative to implement effective strategies that combat corruption and strengthen citizens' trust in their institutions. Only through transparent and responsible actions can this trend be reversed and a government that serves society be guaranteed.
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