Two men in a split image, one in a suit and tie on the left and the other in white religious attire on the right.

Feinmann questioned the Vatican's statements about Pope Francis' health

The Pope's health status is confidential and generates great uncertainty worldwide.

The health status of Pope Francis continues to be a topic of uncertainty for everyone. The Pontiff has been hospitalized at the Gemelli University Hospital, a large general hospital in Rome, Italy, since February 14, and his medical situation remains a cause for concern.

On his radio Mitre  "Alguien tiene que decirlo" program, Eduardo Feinmann  shared reflections on the delicate health condition of the Pope, echoing recent international reports on his condition.

A man in a blue suit poses in front of an image of a religious leader in white attire.
Francisco's delicate state of health | La Derecha Diario

Feinmann took as a starting point an article published by the Italian newspaper Il Tempo, which quoted pulmonologist Paolo Palange from the Sapienza University of Rome who highlighted the difficulty of speaking with certainty about Francis's future health, as the official Vatican reports are presented partially, "It is very difficult to talk about the future health of the Pope, because the reports are very partial." This lack of clarity increases the uncertainty about the Pontiff's prognosis.

The respiratory disease expert explained that the Pope has severe bronchial obstruction, which forces his body to rely on high oxygen flows. Palange described the Pope's health status as "reserved," due to the complexity of the situation, "Without a doubt, he has obstructed bronchi and the status is reserved, because there is a strong dependence on high oxygenation flows."

A man in religious attire is sitting in a wheelchair, being pushed by another person, in front of a door decorated with reliefs.
Reserved prognosis for Pope Francis | La Derecha Diario

In this context, the nutrition and health specialist, Alberto Cormillot, who has a column on the radio program, explained that the oxygenation treatment can vary from a simple nasal cannula to intubation, depending on the severity of the obstruction and the patient's needs.

The concern is growing and the lack of clear details about medical progress creates an atmosphere of uncertainty, the world follows each news and new updates closely, especially the Catholic community and the Pope's faithful followers. The uncertainty is palpable, as medical reports continue to be limited.

After 21 days of hospitalization, good wishes continue to join the Pontiff and within the Catholic calendar, the Easter festivities are approaching. In this scenario, it is unknown what Francis's role will be during those days.

➡️ Argentina

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