Dollar Loans: How They Will Work and Who Can Access Them
Banks will be able to grant loans in dollars for investment and housing.
The Central Bank eased the conditions for granting loans in dollars. Now, banks can lend to any sector, as long as the funds come from their own sources.
Learn the details about who will be able to access them and what they can be used for.

Who will be able to access the new loans in dollars?
Previously, only companies with income in that currency, such as agro-exporters, could receive loans in dollars. However, the new regulation allows banks to lend to any sector, as long as they obtain their own dollars, without touching customer deposits.
From the banking entities, they explained that these loans will be mainly directed to:
- Companies that need financing for investments or debt refinancing.
- Real estate projects, including construction companies and developers.
- Mortgage loans for property purchases.
The main focus of the banks is to allocate these loans to thereal estate sector. Both construction companies and homebuyers will be able to access loans, as properties are often sold in dollars.

Additionally, the loans will also be available for companies that need financing. Some companies, even if they don't generate dollars directly, can be suppliers to exporting companies and, therefore, access these loans.
Will loans in dollars be given for consumption?
For now, banks will not grant loans in dollars for consumption. All the entities consulted stated that they will focus on loans for investment and real estate development.

What will the rates of loans in dollars be?
Banks have not yet confirmed the interest rates, but they have indicated that they will be high. The main reason is the cost of funding abroad, which is high for Argentine companies due to the country risk, which currently exceeds 700 points.
Rates are expected to exceed 10% annually, although they will depend on the entity and the conditions of each loan.
Is it risky to take a loan in dollars?
One of the main risks of these loans is the currency mismatch. If a person or company doesn't generate income in dollars and there is a devaluation, the debt in pesos can skyrocket.

From the Association of Banks of Argentina (ABA), which groups foreign entities, they warned about this risk. Its president, Claudio Cesario, pointed out that "dollars should be lent to those who produce them," to avoid financial problems in the future.
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