March 24, Day of Remembrance for Truth and Justice, with the word "COMPLETE" in red and a shield at the top.

Milei's government released a video for March 24 and told the full story.

Aspects of the story that were censored by Kirchnerism for political and economic purposes were revealed

The Government of Javier Milei once again took a firm stance in the vindication of the historical truth about the violent 70s in Argentina. In commemoration of March 24, it released a video titled "The Day of Memory, Truth, and Complete Justice," challenging the false narrative imposed on society by Kirchnerism and revealing aspects of history that have been systematically hidden for political and economic purposes. In the video, political scientist and writer Agustín Laje explains how the official version promoted in recent decades has reduced the conflict of the 70s to an ideological simplification that ignores the existence of leftist terrorist groups that operated in the country long before the 1976 coup. "I am part of a generation that lived its entire life in democracy. The violent 70s reached me only as an exercise in historical memory, which became state policy just when I entered high school," Laje notes. "In practice, this policy functioned as a process of destruction of historical truth, for partisan, ideological, and economic purposes," he adds.

A man in a suit is sitting in an elegant meeting room with a long table and an Argentine flag in the background.
Agustín Laje, political scientist and writer | La Derecha Diario
indoctrinationsingle demon theorybiased interpretation of historyhides the existence of leftist terrorist organizationsMontonerosPeople's Revolutionary Armyoperated since the 60smore than 5,000 explosive attacks1,500 murders1,700 kidnappingsnumerous attacksmilitarypolice unitsfinancingtrainingother countriesestablishing a socialist regimeMario Firmenichundertaking armed struggle implied the certain eventuality of killing. There were no demons, there was a civil wartried to erasebegan before the 1976 coupTriple AJuan Domingo Perónbefore March 24, 1976
Map of Latin America showing various guerrilla group logos and their locations in different countries, with text at the bottom that says
Left-wing terrorist groups | La Derecha Diario
annihilate the actions of subversive elementsNever Again more than 1,100 disappearances that occurred before the coupstate terrorism did not begin with the dictatorship30,000 disappearedmanipulate historyreal number8,961was artificially inflated to gain support in Europejustify compensationsmore than 2.111 billion dollarsthe victims of terrorism never received reparations or any recognitionselective impunityhistorical manipulationcompletelyall Argentinesall the victimspoliticaleconomic
➡️ Argentina

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