More Rial Shared What Was the Hardest Thing She Experienced in Jail: 'i Had a Really Bad Time...'
The media personality was deprived of her freedom for 10 days and decided to share everything she experienced in an interview with Carmen Barbieri.
Days after being released from jail, Morena Rial decided to give an interview to Mañanísima (eltrece), the program hosted by Carmen Barbieri. In it, the media personality revealed what it was like to be deprived of freedom for 10 days and who helped her stay strong in this situation.
"They were difficult days, but it's over now", she began, trying to downplay the drama of her situation. It was then that Carmen reminded her that it wasn't the first time her name had been in the news for problems in her private life. "Yes, it has been a lot over the years", she acknowledged.
Besides having been imprisoned and accused of theft on two occasions in previous years, Morena lost custody of her eldest son, Francesco, went through a miscarriage, and had to face her father publicly.
Faced with these challenges, the 25-year-old acknowledged that the universe has brought her these tests to learn. "Yes, I believe so. They put obstacles in our way to learn", she admitted.
Morena Rial volvió a la televisión tras estar presa
Jokingly, Carmen Barbieri pointed out that since the beginning of the interview, she hadn't been able to stop looking at her phone. "I was without a phone, and it was complicated", she said with a laugh about why she decided to return to social media with full force.
But the greatest pain for Morena Rial was being away from her three-month-old baby, Amadeo."I had a very hard time and missed him a lot", she exclaimed with a look of sadness in her eyes, and then the production helped bring the child into the studio so that all the viewers could see the child's face for the first time.
"I'm always thinking about him and my other baby (Francesco) too, but well, we're separated for now. But I'm with them everywhere", she stated, showing her maternal side to those present.

It was revealed how Morena Rial came to join a criminal gang
One of the biggest questions for the general public was how Jorge Rial's daughter had entered an environment surrounded by criminal mafias. Opening up about her actions, the young woman explained to Carmen Barbieri: "I've been in this environment for many years. I've been going to Córdoba for many years. Since I fought with my dad. I think it was out of rebellion more than anything else".
It was then that she acknowledged that with what happened, she saw the true face of many people around her."The truth is that with those involved in my case, we had quite a few problems. Because when I fell, they went out to speak badly, to flee, and make threats, all things that don't go because I have a very small baby", she assured.
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