Two sisters aged 1 and 5 disappeared during the storm in Bahía Blanca.
The severe storm has left, for the moment, a toll of 13 dead and numerous material damages.
Two sisters aged 1 and 5 are being intensely searched for in Bahía Blanca after disappearing in the midst of the severe storm that hit the city in recent hours, leaving at least 13 dead and numerous material damages, according to official sources.
The girls, identified as Delfina and Pilar Hecker, were traveling with their parents on Friday afternoon heading to Mayor Buratovich, where they planned to take refuge at a relative's house due to the intense storms forecasted by the National Meteorological Service. The storm, which began during the early morning, had already caused severe flooding in several areas.
However, during the journey, the vehicle driven by Andrés Hecker, the girls' father, got trapped in the accumulation of water on Route 3 and ended up being swept away by the current.

At that moment, the driver of a van passing through the area stopped to offer help. When they were trying to move from one vehicle to the other, the girls were swept away by the force of the water.
Noelia, the girls' aunt, explained in statements to local media: "They made that transfer from their vehicle to the van because inside the car the water was already too much. So they decided to move to the van. But when they were getting in, more water came with more force and swept them all away."
According to her testimony, her sister, the girls' mother, was swept away by the current and ended up behind a scrapyard. A man who found her assisted her and provided her with a phone so she could contact her family and report what had happened.
"She contacted my mom at 11 yesterday and told her what had happened. At 2 PM, my mom called that same number because my sister was with the man until they came to rescue her. She was only taken to a fire station yesterday afternoon," the woman recounted.

At that place, the girls' mother was able to reunite with her husband. However, they still haven't had any news about their daughters. According to the post made by their uncles on social media this Saturday morning, the last information is that Delfina was swept away by the current, while Pilar managed to climb onto the car's roof.
"We have to have faith, be positive, and think that we will have news about the girls and all the people who were missing," she expressed emotionally.
"We ask the authorities to take action, to do something. Today we all have to be supportive, we are all Cerri and Bahía. We have to be empathetic with others and help," she concluded.
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