Elections: Manfred Reyes Villa pointed out that Tuto and Doria Medina don't want primaries.
Cochabamba's authority believes these politicians fear that the population will bury their personal ambitions.
The Mayor of Cochabamba and presidential pre-candidate, Manfred Reyes Villa, stated that there is enough time to carry out the primaries of the alleged opposition. However, he expressed that several of the main candidates oppose this process. According to Reyes Villa, this refusal is because some candidates fear submitting to a popular consultation that could question their leadership.
Meanwhile, the candidate linked to Luis Arce referred to the primary proposal launched by businessman Marcelo Claure. The magnate proposed a “super survey” to choose the single opposition candidate.
While the Cochabamba mayor accepted the proposal, he pointed out that others are not willing to undergo a democratic process. This way, the pre-candidate made clear his rejection of the surveys being used to choose the opposition representative.
The Mayor of Cochabamba also took the opportunity to distance himself from the main contenders within the false opposition bloc. He specifically referred to former presidents Jorge Tuto Quiroga and Carlos Mesa. According to him, they do not have the sufficient experience to achieve the results the country needs. Although he did not directly mention Doria Medina, he also echoed the criticisms toward these candidates.

Reyes Villa assured that more than 14 regime surveys show a favorable outlook for his candidacy. For him, this indicates that the population prefers someone with experience in public management and not those who have held high positions without achieving concrete results. According to the mayor, people are looking for someone with tangible results, not just good speeches.
The pre-candidate flatly denied the accusations by deputy José Manuel Ormachea about the omission of transactions in his sworn statement. He assured that he will take legal action against the legislator, whom he called a “hitman of the junta.” These accusations do not seem to have affected his image, as the mayor reaffirmed his commitment to transparency.
Haven't they reached an agreement yet?

The confrontation with the opposition is not limited to the issues of primaries and surveys. Recently, Reyes Villa replied firmly to Quiroga's statements, who had linked him to the current government. The authority did not hesitate to respond that he has nothing to say to someone who has lived his whole life “off the State”.
Regarding the opposition bloc, Reyes Villa pointed out that the path to unity is full of obstacles. He assured that while some are negotiating with different political actors, he prefers to focus on his management and the achievements he has reached.
In his opinion, the opposition bloc is far from true unity. This weakens the chances of competing with the Movement for Socialism (MAS) in the upcoming elections.
The false opposition bloc remains divided in its electoral strategy. Pre-candidate Vicente Cuéllar highlighted that unity remains a goal for the bloc. He also emphasized that the final decision on the candidate will be made through a survey. This process, according to Cuéllar, is scheduled for early April, when the results will be known.
For Reyes Villa, the lack of unity within the opposition is a reflection of the lack of capacity of some of its members to assume solid leadership. He insisted that the only way to successfully compete against MAS is with a solid and unified proposal. However, the reality shows that the main actors of the opposition each follow their own path, which could be a determining factor in the outcome of the elections.
The tensions within the false opposition reveal that they are not willing to put the country's interest above their personal ambitions. Although all have held positions of relevance, the division they exhibit, the rejection of the primaries, and the constant mutual accusations among them reflect a lack of real unity. The country awaits an opposition that not only cares about its own interests but works together and seriously to offer a true change against MAS.
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