A group of five men armed with tactical vests and rifles pose together in an outdoor setting with stacked logs and trees in the background.

Counterattack: An Ode to Patriotism That Redefines Mexican Action Cinema

The movie 'Counterattack' highlights the bravery of the Mexican special forces, offering a patriotic narrative contrasting with narco stories.

In the Mexican film landscape, where stories centered on drug trafficking have predominated, Counterattack emerges, a film that offers a different and refreshing perspective.

Directed by Chava Cartas, this film has become a phenomenon on Netflix, leading the popularity charts worldwide since its release on February 28, 2025.

A plot of heroism and sacrifice

Counterattack tells the mission of Captain Guerrero and his elite squad, The Bats, who face a powerful drug cartel in a hostage rescue operation in Tamaulipas. The film highlights the bravery, honor, and sacrifice of the Mexican special forces, presenting them as the true heroes in the fight against organized crime.

A cast committed to the narrative

The film features an outstanding cast that brings this story of patriotism to life:

Luis Alberti as Captain Guerrero, the squad leader.

Noé Hernández, recognized for his work in Mexican cinema.

Luis Curiel playing Pollo, the youngest member of the team.

Mabel Cadena, who has gained international recognition for her role in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.

In an interview, Luis Curiel shared his experience in the film and the impact it has had on the audience, highlighting the pride of representing the Mexican special forces.

Breaking with the traditional narrative

Unlike many productions that have focused their stories on the lives of drug traffickers, Counterattack focuses on those who fight them.

This change of perspective has been well received by the audience, who appreciate a story where the protagonists are the defenders of law and order.

This approach offers a more balanced and positive view of Mexican reality, highlighting the patriotism and dedication of the armed forces.

Reception and international success

Since its release, Counterattack has quickly climbed the Netflix popularity charts, positioning itself as one of the most-watched films in several countries. This success reflects the audience's interest in stories that exalt values such as honor, sacrifice, and love for the homeland.

Two people in combat gear with dirty faces are in a wooded environment, one of them holding a weapon.
Counterattack narrates the mission of Captain Guerrero and his elite squadron, Los Murciélagos. | La Derecha Diario

A declaration of love for patriotism

Counterattack is not just an action film; it's a declaration of love for Mexican patriotism. By focusing on the struggle of the special forces against organized crime, the film highlights the importance of defending the country's values and integrity. This narrative offers an alternative to stories that glorify criminal life, presenting the true heroes who risk their lives every day for the nation's security and well-being.

Availability on Netflix

For those who wish to experience this exciting story, Counterattack is available on Netflix since February 28, 2025. The film, with a duration of 85 minutes, promises to keep viewers on the edge of their seats with its intense plot and impactful action scenes.

In conclusion, Counterattack represents a milestone in Mexican cinema by offering a narrative that exalts patriotism and recognizes the work of those who fight to maintain peace and justice in the country. Its success on international platforms demonstrates that the audience is eager for stories that inspire and elevate the essential values of society.

Two people in warm clothing are crouched behind some rocks, holding long guns and showing tense expressions.
The movie exalts the heroism and sacrifice of the Mexican special forces in the fight against crime. | La Derecha Diario
➡️ Mexico

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