Homicides of women increase in Estado de México despite feminist discourse
The State of Mexico remains the most dangerous entity for women, with an increase in homicides
State of Mexico: the epicenter of violence
The State of Mexico is consolidating as the entity with the most homicides of women in the country.
In just the first nine months of 2024, 54 cases were registered as "femicides", placing the entity in first place nationwide.
The problem is not new. In 2023, the State of Mexico closed the year with 74 homicides of women, surpassing the 68 cases recorded at the beginning of that same year.
To this are added the thousands of crimes committed against women, from disappearances to rapes, which remain unpunished in most cases.

Despite the feminist discourse promoted by the government, the murders do not decrease.
The strategies have been useless and the results are visible.
The marches, the statements, and the gender discourses have become part of the political landscape, but they have not served to curb the violence in the streets.

Gender narratives and empty speeches
Meanwhile, state and municipal governments continue focusing their efforts on ideological discourses, the violence continues to advance.
The authorities have promoted awareness campaigns, governmental activism, and gender perspective courses, but insecurity continues to increase.
The money that should be allocated to strengthening security has been diluted in bureaucracy, in discussion forums, and in deconstruction workshops, instead of in patrols and effective measures.
Feminist collectives and governmental bodies continue to demand larger budgets for gender programs, but they have not provided any real solution.
Women continue to be unsafe, no matter how many "visibility" speeches the authorities launch.
The government seems more concerned with complying with the progressive agenda than with ensuring the safety of the population.
Security strategies continue to yield no results
The state government has announced various strategies to curb violence, including the so-called "Operativo Violeta", a plan that supposedly would guarantee security.
Despite these efforts, homicides continue to increase and the perception of insecurity among women is higher than ever.
Reports of assaults, disappearances, and sexual crimes continue to rise, but the authorities continue to justify their ineffectiveness with political speeches.
Victims' collectives have denounced that the justice system doesn't work, with incapable prosecutors, inconclusive investigations, and criminals who go free without consequences.
The majority of cases of homicides of women are never solved, and the families of the victims are the ones who end up doing the work that the government doesn't want to do.
The State of Mexico remains out of control
Meanwhile, the government continues spending millions on feminist speeches and gender projects without real impact, the violence continues to advance.
The numbers do not lie: ideological strategies have failed and the State of Mexico remains out of control.
The reality is that insecurity doesn't distinguish between genders, and as long as the authorities continue focusing on speeches instead of actions, the violence will continue claiming more victims.
Every day, the State of Mexico sinks further into insecurity. Crime rules and the government continues to not respond.
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