The Senate approved the monthly support for young people who neither study nor work.
The Senate Chamber approved this ruling in general and in particular.
By unanimous vote of 111, the full Senate of the Republic approved the reform to elevate this social program to constitutional status.
This ruling was approved by the Senate committees last October, and remained on hold until this Tuesday.

This was approved unanimously by senators from Morena, PT, PVEM, PRI, PAN, and Movimiento Ciudadano.
After its approval, the document was sent to the state congress for possible ratification.

Promotion of idleness and laziness
With this reform that seeks to elevate the Jóvenes Construyendo el Futuro program to constitutional status, it is clear what the intentions of the party system are.
They seek to continue generating a dependency of young people on social programs as a reward for not studying or working.

Now the young people can access a monthly support of $8,500 MXN for supposedly training for working life.
However, it is completely unfair that these young people receive more and better salary than recent graduates, interns, and even professionals.

Concerning data
Just over 120 billion pesos are allocated for the support of Jóvenes Construyendo el Futuro and employability for the young people remains low.
At the end of Andrés Manuel López Obrador's term, there were fewer young people with formal employment than in EPN's government.
In 2023, only 5% of the scholarship recipients found a job. And in 2024, barely 1%

The alarming thing is that the government continues to insist on promoting these programs that are more clientelistic than beneficial, instead of attracting private investments to create more jobs.
Not to mention the irregularities presented by the program, as previously exposed by PAN deputies.

Ranging from payments to deceased beneficiaries, training in "ghost" companies, apprentices with parallel scholarships to the educational sector, etc.
In the public accounts of 2019 and 2021, the Audit identified that 161 program beneficiaries received support for 3.8 million pesos while simultaneously providing professional services.
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