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Is Eduardo Verástegui's project viable and possible?

The Viva México Movement project led by Eduardo has many chances to succeed.

On February 24, the INE gave the green light to the Viva México Movement, led by Eduardo Verástegui, to begin its formation.

With this, the Movement will seek to become a national political party to compete in the 2027 and 2030 elections, respectively.

But before this, they must hold several assemblies and gather at least 257,000 affiliates.

Thanks to this, both the Movement and Eduardo Verástegui himself have been the target of criticism in recent days from the ruling party and its supporters.

Demonstrating that this project could mean the emergence of a worthy opposition to the ruling party, something that doesn't currently exist.

While we have the PRIAN, they long ago ceased to be an option due to their corruption scandals and the betrayal of their own ideals.

For example, the PAN, which in the last elections bet on a Marxist, feminist, and pro-abortion candidate who had nothing to do with their doctrinal principles.

Emergence of a new right

This Movement could be a hope for all those citizens who did not find worthy representation in the current party system.

All those who align with values such as the defense of life, economic freedom, religious freedom, dignified work, and the family as the guiding axis of society, among others,

will be able to have in the Viva México Movement a real and firm alternative, where they are not betrayed.

This arises from the need to be in tune with the global present, where countries have been shifting to the right in each election.

It has happened in El Salvador, Argentina, Italy, the U.S., Germany, Paraguay, the Netherlands, Ecuador, Hungary, etc.

Now, Mexico could have a Movement that goes hand in hand with the demands of the present, but above all, represents a portion of the Mexican electorate that was abandoned.

Will it have chances to compete?

Yes, it has possibilities, because there are 17 million voters who do not feel represented by the "opposition," and from there it could obtain good numbers in the upcoming elections.

But also from the traditional Mexicans who are conservative and who are still quite numerous in our country, despite some being with the ruling party.

Another advantage of this is that Eduardo Verástegui is a political outsider and, therefore, not having been part of it, brings his own agenda.

Not to mention his strategic alliances with international leaders like Bukele, Milei, Trump, Meloni, Abascal, among others.

➡️ Mexico

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