A legislative assembly with numerous participants seated in a hemicycle discussing important issues.

Deputies rejected the investigation for $LIBRA and the impeachment against Javier Milei

The coup initiatives of Kirchnerism couldn't succeed and were rejected by the Chamber of Deputies.

After achieving the regulatory quorum, the Chamber of Deputies began a special session focused on the declaration of emergency due to the catastrophe in Bahía Blanca.

In this context, the opposition kirchnerista took advantage of the situation and promoted various projects aimed at investigating the "political implications and responsibilities" of President Javier Milei in the case of the cryptocurrency $LIBRA, along with a request for "impeachment." However, the kirchnerismo failed in its coup attempts. 

The session was opened by the blocks of Unión por la Patria, Democracia para Siempre, the majority of Encuentro Federal, the Coalición Cívica, and the Frente de Izquierda.

An assembly hall with numerous occupied seats and screens displaying video calls.
The Chamber of Deputies. | La Derecha Diario

After the vote, the Chamber of Deputies dismissed the request for placement promoted by the kirchnerismo to address a possible impeachment against President Javier Milei in the context of the $LIBRA case. The vote ended with 104 votes in favor and 128 against, which prevented the proposal from moving forward.

The debate caused intense clashes between the different blocks. Damián Arabia, deputy of the PRO, criticized the impeachment attempt and accused the kirchnerista bench of trying to destabilize Milei's Government.

"Impeachment is ousting, they are coup plotters. Say that since they don't want to stop the change in Argentina, they try to overthrow it. I've got news for you: you won't be able to," declared Arabia, also alluding to the case of Amado Boudou, the former kirchnerista vice president convicted of corruption in the Ciccone case.

A smiling man in a suit and tie.
Javier Milei, President of Argentina. | La Derecha Diario

Meanwhile, Miguel Pichetto, deputy of Hacemos Coalición Federal, stated that his space supported the ratification of the authorities in the Impeachment Commission, but did not support the opening of the process against Milei.

From the Democracia para Siempre block, deputy Pablo Juliano also distanced himself from the kirchnerista request, although he emphasized the need to "clarify the facts."

"The Democracia para Siempre block will support the option but not the placement of the impeachment. There is no coup spirit here, we want to know if there is institutional damage to our country," he stated.

➡️ Argentina

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