A smiling woman and an older man are sitting together outdoors surrounded by greenery.

Luisa González Met With Former Terrorist Pepe Mujica

RC5's candidate meets with left-wing leaders, leaving strong doubts about her ability to unite the country.

Luisa González, presidential candidate for the Revolución Ciudadana-RETO alliance, made a visit to Uruguay where she met with left-wing political figures, including former president José Mujica. This trip occurs at a critical moment for Ecuador, which faces serious challenges in security and economy.

During her meeting with Mujica, the former Uruguayan president advised González "not to want to impose a single line", which could be interpreted as a veiled warning about the risks of ideological dogmatism. Mujica also pointed out the lack of cohesion on the left, stating that "the right unites for interests and the left divides over ideas," an observation that highlights the internal weaknesses of the movement González represents.

Meanwhile the candidate seeks to strengthen ties with regional leaders like Gustavo Petro and Lula da Silva, the question arises of whether these ideological alliances are what Ecuador needs at this moment. The country requires pragmatic solutions for urgent problems like organized crime and economic instability, areas where the current government of Daniel Noboa has made significant progress.

Two men talking, one of them pointing at something while the other is wearing a cap.
Petro and Lula | La Derecha Diario

However, the experiences of Petro and Lula show the risks of socialist policies. In Colombia, under Petro's government, there has been a significant increase in forced displacements, confinements, and massacres.

Meanwhile, the government of Lula in Brazil has faced criticism for its inability to address police violence that disproportionately affects the Afro-descendant population. Additionally, his administration has been accused of implementing policies that threaten the country's fiscal framework and increasing state intervention in markets, which led to a recession in the past.

These experiences demonstrate that socialist policies can exacerbate social and economic problems instead of solving them, underscoring the need for more balanced and pragmatic approaches to address Ecuador's challenges. Meanwhile the candidate seeks to strengthen ties with regional leaders like Gustavo Petro and Lula da Silva, the question arises of whether these ideological alliances are what Ecuador needs at this moment.

A group of military and police with tactical gear, one of them speaking into a microphone at a podium, with an armored vehicle and a flag in the background.
Noboa focused on implementing practical measures | La Derecha Diario

In contrast to González's international agenda, President Noboa has focused his efforts on practical measures to combat insecurity and stabilize the economy. His focus on tangible results, rather than political rhetoric, seems to resonate more with the immediate needs of Ecuadorians.

➡️ Ecuador

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