Tanker trucks connected to a pickup truck with hoses in an outdoor area at night.

The Left in Command; Unstoppable 'huachigas' in Mexico

The theft of LP gas skyrockets under the leftist government, evidencing its inability to curb organized crime.

The theft of LP gas skyrockets in several states, highlighting the lack of action from the leftist government

Mexico City.- In the last year, Mexico has witnessed an alarming increase in clandestine LP gas taps, a phenomenon known as "huachigas".

953 illegal perforations were recorded across the country, which equates to almost three taps daily. This crime has surpassed the response capacity of municipal and state governments, severely affecting entire communities and highlighting the ineffectiveness of the policies implemented by the leftist administration.

The epicenter of "huachigas"

The states of Puebla, Veracruz, Tlaxcala, and State of Mexico top the list of entities most affected by this crime. In Puebla, 426 clandestine taps were detected, that is, one every 20 hours. Veracruz is not far behind, with 245 illegal perforations, which represents one every day and a half. Tlaxcala recorded 127 taps, approximately one every three days, and the State of Mexico accounted for 94 cases.

The "huachigas" not only represents a significant economic loss for the country but also has devastating social consequences. In various communities, young students drop out of school to work as "halcones" in the service of criminal groups, receiving between 200 and 300 pesos for alerting about the presence of authorities. This situation deteriorates academic formation and perpetuates cycles of poverty and criminality.

This problem is not limited to the participation of individuals; it also involves companies, both legal and illegal, that are part of the distribution chain of stolen gas. The perforation of pipelines requires technical knowledge and logistics, suggesting the collaboration of actors with resources and experience in the energy sector.

Government inaction

Despite the severity of the "huachigas," the government's response has been insufficient. Although agreements have been announced to limit the price of regular gasoline to 24 pesos per liter, these measures do not address the underlying problem and could encourage the illegal sale of fuel.
Additionally, the lack of effective coordination between different levels of government and the absence of comprehensive strategies have allowed this crime to continue rising.

The leftist government came to power with the promise of combating corruption and improving security. However, the reality shows a bleak panorama. The inability to curb the "huachigas" reflects ineffective management and a lack of political will to confront organized crime. Meanwhile, the affected communities suffer the consequences of failed public policies that have not managed to guarantee the safety and well-being of citizens.

The rise of "huachigas" in Mexico is a clear indicator of the leftist government's ineptitude to face the challenges plaguing the country. The expansion of this crime, the impact on communities, and the complicity of business actors are symptoms of a deeper problem: the absence of leadership and strategy in the current administration.

It is imperative that effective policies are implemented and coordination between different levels of government is strengthened to combat this scourge that threatens the nation's stability and development.

➡️ Mexico

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