Here Sheinbaum Doesn't Rule: the Green Party Vetoed the Anti-nepotism Reform Until 2030
The reform that Sheinbaum intended to pass compromised political interests regarding family members in politics.
The full Senate approved the constitutional reform proposed by President Claudia Sheinbaum. The reform seeks to prohibit the consecutive reelection of federal and local legislators, as well as mayors, and against nepotism.
The reform against nepotism is so that parents, children, or spouses can't run for the position held by their relatives.
The reform had unanimous support with 127 votes from senators of Morena, PT, PVEM, PRI, PAN, and Movimiento Ciudadano. The approved ruling was sent to the Chamber of Deputies for study.
Conflict of interest
Due to a disagreement from PVEM senators, Morena's coordinator, Adán Augusto López, presented a reservation to the full Senate for these measures to apply in 2030 and not in 2027.
This will allow PVEM senator Ruth Miriam González Silva, wife of the governor of San Luis Potosí, Ricardo Gallardo, to aspire to be governor.
Morena Senator Saúl Monreal, brother of the governor of Zacatecas, David Monreal, could also aspire to be governor after his brother.
Additionally, Félix Salgado Macedonio, father of the governor of Guerrero, Evelyn Salgado, can aspire to the candidacy for that position in 2027.
During the debate, PAN senator Marko Cortés questioned why Morena allowed this reform to apply until 2030.
"Let's do it now, from now, it's a mockery of a reservation they're presenting, what they're telling us is that nepotism is indeed allowed to benefit in the next election.
Is it allowed for colleague Ruth González to be a candidate, is it allowed, is that nepotism not prohibited for you? Is it allowed for Félix Salgado Macedonio, who says here today that he has no interest, to be the one to replace his daughter?"
Movimiento Ciudadano coordinator Clemente Castañeda stated that:
"Today nepotism exists transversally, horizontally, and vertically; here, countless surnames seek to expand a political dynasty. Those who, sharing a surname, sharing kinship, build their own political life.
But in many other cases, it's about retaining power, and it doesn't matter if it's in an Executive Power or a Legislative Power."
Senator Cristina Ruiz Sandoval considered that this reform is insufficient because it doesn't temper the transversal nepotism that exists in political parties.
"If the reform had been sent last term, I'm sure they wouldn't dare to change a comma," she indicated.
The reform to various articles of the Constitution establishes the prohibition of reelection. The reform will consist of people who have obtained an elected position not being able to be reelected for the immediate subsequent term.
It proposes that senators and deputies to the Congress of the Union can't be reelected for the immediate subsequent term after their mandate.
However, it establishes that their alternates can be elected for the immediate term as proprietors, as long as they haven't been in office.
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