Banco del Bienestar leads complaints before CONDUSEF in 2024
The main complaints were due to fraud and unrecognized charges in online transactions
Banco del Bienestar, created by the government as the pillar of its clientelist strategy, has become the financial institution with the most complaints before CONDUSEF in 2024.
This has highlighted its inefficiency and lack of protection for users, who are mostly elderly and beneficiaries of social programs.

The main reasons for the complaints include frauds, unrecognized charges, and constant ATM failures, which demonstrate the absolute failure of the state bank managed by the 4T.
Although the government presents it as the "people's bank," the reality is that it has ended up harming the most vulnerable, who see their support disappear due to system errors or frauds that the institution doesn't solve.

A bank without guarantees or transparency
Banco del Bienestar is not only inefficient, but it has become a trap for thousands of Mexicans. Beneficiaries of social programs have reported that their resources simply disappear from their accounts without any explanation.
Meanwhile, the institution's response is slow, bureaucratic, and, in many cases, nonexistent. Added to this are the false promises of the government, which claimed that the banking of social programs would be the solution to eradicate corruption and intermediaries.
However, the only thing they have achieved is to centralize the problem and make it the State itself that defrauds the citizens.

Fraud and embezzlement with public money
In addition to user complaints, Banco del Bienestar has been accused of financial mismanagement, with opaque contracts and operational deficiencies that have cost millions to the treasury.
All this happens while the government continues to squander resources on sustaining this failed financial experiment, instead of improving the existing banking infrastructure.
The most affected people are, ironically, those whom the government claims to defend: elderly, scholarship recipients, and working mothers, who depend on these resources for their subsistence.

The inoperability of the 4T continues to claim victims
Banco del Bienestar has proven not to be a solution, but another problem of the 4T. Instead of providing financial security, it has caused more uncertainty and distrust.
Meanwhile, the complaints keep piling up and the government refuses to acknowledge the failure of its clientelist bank.
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