This section includes coverage of current political events, public policy analysis, and commentary on the political situation in Mexico and the world from a critical perspective.

A smiling man in a suit holds a badge in his hand.
A man in a blue suit speaks in front of a podium with a microphone, with flags and a decorative background behind him.
A soldier holding a drone in an outdoor setting with a cloudy sky.
A man with gray hair and a white beard wearing a brown jacket and light blue jersey.
A masked man in a tactical vest holds a gun in front of a concrete block wall.
Two people in dark uniforms are standing behind a yellow tape in an outdoor area surrounded by vegetation.
A group of people is participating in a street demonstration, holding banners and signs with protest messages.
Meeting in a room of the National Electoral Institute with people seated around a circular table and plants in the center.
A man in a dark jacket is sitting in an audience, surrounded by other people.
A person points to a document projected on a screen that appears to be an official letter, while in the bottom right corner there is a graphic with the Google logo over a map.
An illustration of a girl with short dark hair, surrounded by hearts and messages against bullying, with a ribbon around her neck and a hashtag that says #JUSTICEFORFATIMA.
A group of people in a formal setting, some applauding and others conversing, with a woman in the foreground wearing a white sweater.
Two women chatting and smiling in an elegant setting with chandeliers in the background.
Bold, outlined text that says "Emiliano Ortega Ortega Ortega" on a dark background with the "La Derecha Diario" logo in the top right corner.
An elderly man in profile with images of soldiers and military vehicles in the background.
Multi-story school building with a large, covered courtyard.